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Shaping Haddenham

by Andrew Fell – 26th January 2014
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Neighbourhood Plan consultation

In an exciting show of community support, 130 Haddenham residents braved the elements on Saturday 25th January to participate in a consultation event for the Neighbourhood Plan. Based around a number of principles that will be used as a framework for finalising the Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan later in the year, the event elicited a huge amount of discussion and comment.

The principles of the Plan are:

  • retaining a village focus
  • sustainable development
  • a zero-carbon village
  • opportunities for all ages and abilities
  • maximising the benefits of technology
  • retaining a village spirit

These principles are can be viewed in more detail here

Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan aims to define the principles and priorities of any future development in the village. Ultimately it will need to integrate with the Vale of Aylesbury Plan, when this is finally delivered in a satisfactory form*. In the meantime, and as far as housing is concerned, Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan will focus on the nature of housing, rather than the number of new homes per se.

Following Saturday's very successful event, the team is aiming to draft the Neighbourhood Plan for consultation in the summer and hold a local referendum later in the year – but to do this, the team still needs residents' input. If you missed this consultation, the team will be taking the displays on a 'roadshow' to a number of village events over the next month – so please look out for the displays and contribute wherever and whenever you can!

If you would like to contact the Neighbourhood Plan team, please call 01844 290166 or Email: andrew.fell831@btinternet.com.


* The Vale of Aylesbury Plan has recently been rejected by the Inspector due to a lack of constructive engagement by the District Council with neighbouring Councils and others in the Luton and Milton Keynes Housing Market Area, and a lack of positive preparation in terms of the overall provision of jobs and homes.

The Inspector concluded that the effectiveness of the strategic Plan had been undermined and that it was neither justified nor effective, and inconsistent with national policy. What this means for us is that, in terms of housing development, there is currently no up-to-date target in a development plan for housing required in Haddenham.

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