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Shaping Haddenham's Future

by Haddenham Webteam – 9th February 2014
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By now it is hoped that the vast majority of residents in Haddenham will have heard of the Neighbourhood Plan – a document drawn up through local public consultation that will help define the kind of place we would like the village to be over the next 15 years.

As well as shaping the kinds and locations of new housing developments in the village, the Neighbourhood Plan will also help to improve a range of areas of interest and concern (such as the local business environment and the shops and services supporting the community) and to create jobs.

This document needs to reflect the views of the majority of residents, and this is confirmed through a local referendum in its final stages. As long as the public consultation process has been thorough, and the document meets statutory requirements, the legal validity of Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan (NP) will then confirmed by a Government inspector.

One of the planning requirements is that Haddenham's NP is consistent with and complementary to the Aylesbury Vale Plan – a wider area planning document that takes into account the housing, jobs and transport needs (among other variables) at a county level – which in turn has logical links with similar plans in Bedfordshire and other county neighbours.

As things currently stand, an Aylesbury Vale Plan has not been finalised in a form acceptable to the British government, and this makes it rather difficult to ensure that Haddenham's NP fits neatly into that wider scheme for development! Nevertheless, Haddenham's consultation process continues, so that we are in a position to proceed towards publishing our own local plan as soon as possible after the Aylesbury document is finalised.

Following a public workshop help in August last year, additional consultation events in Haddenham were held in January, and further opportunities are imminent. The next public display of possible development options takes place on Thursday 13th February, hosted by the Village Society. This meeting takes place in the Community Junior School and starts at 8.00pm. Display boards will show the range of options that are being considered, and local resident Sir Roderick Floud will be providing an overview and taking questions.

It is hoped that as many residents as possible will come along on Thursday – especially those who have not yet had chance to view the development issues and options, and voice their own opinions. Everyone's views are important, so do please try to make the meeting if you possibly can.

If you can't, or wish to see the display panels in advance of the meeting, please click on the PDF document shown beneath the photographs on this page. This will download all the relevant information.

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