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Shouty McShoutface?

by Roy Payne – 18th August 2019
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Who's the Shoutiest Person in Haddenham?!

Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All villagers to gather at the Kings Head at 8pm on Thursday 22nd August, where the People will decide who will be the Feast Festival Crier.

As a bit of fun for the Feast Festival, anyone with a loud voice is encouraged to enter the Crier competition being held at the Kings Head next Thursday evening. Anyone who wants to have a go just needs to turn up on the night.

Even if you don't want to enter, do come along and join the "People's Jury". The winner will be decided, in good old mediaeval village fashion, by the acclaim of their peers. No fussy judging panels, just the roar of the public will determine who wins.

The competitors will no doubt take it seriously, but for everyone else it is meant to be a fun event with good banter, good company, all washed down with an ale or two.

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