This website has been a committed supporter of the Haddenham Neighbourhood Plan and has been relatively outspoken in criticising the ways in which AVDC has taken planning decisions that appear to have ignored the expressed wishes of Haddenham residents, as reflected in our Neighbourhood Plan.
Despite the best efforts and expertise of our parish council when it comes to planning matters, our local representatives have had limited success in seeking to influence important planning decisions. But this situation is far from unique to our village.
There is a fundamental imbalance in the planning system.
Under current rules, if a council refuses a planning application, the applicant is allowed to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. If a council approves an application, no one has the right to appeal.
With the national presumption in favour of sustainable development throwing the planning system into disarray, in the interest of justice, the government should give parish councils the right to appeal planning decisions.
If you agree with this proposal, please sign the petition.
See details here.