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Simply Walk celebrates 15 years!

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th July 2017
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Simply Walk, Buckinghamshire's health walk scheme has just celebrated its 15th anniversary with (what else?) but a walk around the beautiful grounds of Hughenden Manor in High Wycombe.

When it started in 2002 there were just a handful of walks on offer but in the decade and a half since, the scheme has grown to include 83 different walks around the county, attracting more than 700 walkers every week.

To mark the milestone, last Friday, more than 90 volunteer walk leaders gathered in brilliant sunshine in the orchard of Hughenden Manor to celebrate with a picnic and slice of cake.

Simply Walk is part of a countywide programme of free, volunteer – led walks, which aims to help people get outdoors and be more active. The walks are all sociable and you don't need any special equipment to join in, just a pair of comfortable shoes. The programme runs year round, including weekends and offers a choice of different walk lengths and locations.

Simply Walk operates on alternate Wednesdays in Haddenham and Stone, the next Haddenham walk will take place on 18th October – new walkers are always very welcome.

Chairman Patricia Birchley joined the walkers on Friday and helped cut the cake that had been made specially to mark the anniversary. She said: "Simply Walk has become an outstanding success for more 700 Buckinghamshire residents who walk regularly thanks to the enthusiasm of the walks leaders.

"It is wonderful to see how this scheme has grown year on year. Walking is the best form of exercise, enables us to develop new friendships and is a good habit for the future.

"Huge thanks to the team of volunteer walk leaders who make it all possible by giving up their time for free to run these walks. Long may they continue!"

Simply Walk is a partnership scheme funded by Buckinghamshire County Council, Aylesbury, South Bucks and Chilterns District Councils, Burnham Health Promotion Trust and donations from walkers. For more information including a full list of walks visit: www.buckscc.gov.uk/simplywalk

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