Robyn Thorogood, the Volunteer Manager of Snakemoor Nature Reserve, reports on the most recent work party carried out on Saturday 22nd November 2014.
Working at Snakemoor at this time of the year is often a struggle with 'iffy' weather. Despite this and with a reasonable break in the rain, much was achieved.
Thirteen willing helpers attended, a good number considering some usual supporters with an allotment rightly helped Allison in an allotment clean up.
Hazel trees were coppiced and overhanging branches cut back. Meadow plants, Black Knapweed (hardknot) and Orange Hawkweed were planted. The Knapweed was kindly donated by Betty Hammond.
Another attempt was made to establish Foxgloves by planting them on the pond banks and on the east side of the meadow.
The pond fence was renovated and a Hazel support for the Honeysuckle provided.
The team of volunteers:
Jim Joiner, Michael Whitney, John Barker, Ann & Tony Warris, Roger Rowe, Penny Ward, Wendy Brazier, David Rankin, Chris Young, Andrew Hearsey, Chris and Robyn Thorogood. Thanks to Chris Thorogood for cake and drinks.