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A Snapshot of Haddenham 2017

by Haddenham Webteam – 28th May 2017
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flyover of church endflightpathedited

Haddenham is about to see major new housing development, with planning approval already granted by AVDC for approximately 1,000 new homes in the coming months.

In addition to the relatively modest developments on Dollicott (Cala Homes) and Stanbridge Road (Rectory Homes) the village will soon see major building projects initiated on the airfield (Cala Homes, 233 homes) and the Aston Road/Glebe site (Dandara, 280 Homes).

Planning applications are also in preparation for Land West of Churchway, North of Dollicott/Rosemary Lane (Aston Hill Land Ltd, 284 Homes). For more details see here.

In order to capture a 'snapshot' of the village as it currently stands, and to provide an historical record of its structure and boundaries in 2017, various ideas have been floated. The traditional photographic approach has been explored, but the limitations of still images taken at ground level soon became very apparent.

However, with the assistance of Simon Bryant, a local aerial videographer, we have been able to capture some fascinating video footage of Haddenham from approximately 300-400 feet up.

Simon freely admits that he is still in learning mode as far as obtaining good footage is concerned, but the results of his efforts with a quadcopter have already produced some very acceptable footage.

We hope to be able to refine the footage in the coming weeks, with a greater emphasis on the village boundaries, so that future generations will be able to see how Haddenham grew from Summer of 2017.

The video material we have so far follows the path shown in the lower graphic (click on the image to see an enlarge view).

There are two phases. The first begins at point 1 (on the airfield), with a view looking backwards in the direction of the 'Business Park Roundabout' at the A418/Pegasus Way intersection. Once we have traveled across the new DAF site and the additional warehouse construction site on the Business Park, and the Cala Homes site on Dollicott, the camera then rotates to look in the direction of travel. We then follow the rest of the route indicated in red on the graphic.

Phase two of the video (see Pink route) begins at point 2 on the Recreation Ground, and then takes us over the Junior School before observing the Eastern boundary (Aylesbury side) of the village and the Northern edge (towards Cuddington). The route then takes us South over Willis Road and The Gables to offer useful views of Aston Road/Glebe land in its agricultural state with which we're currently familiar.

We hope this rather lengthy explanation hasn't dulled your desire to view the video footage, which can be seen by clicking here

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