Sorry to sound like a killjoy in the run-up to Christmas and New Year, but alcohol is such an embedded element of British culture that we can easily lose sight of the downside risks that this particular drug of choice can present.
Last year reported the highest number of deaths from alcohol-specific causes on record, according to new figures.
In its latest report, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that in 2021, there were 9641 deaths from alcohol-specific causes registered in the UK – which equated to almost 15 deaths for every 100,000 (14.8 per 100,000) of the UK population.
This was the "the highest number on record" since records began over 20 years ago in 2001, reported the ONS.
The number recorded for 2021 was 7.4% higher than 2020 figures – an increase of 667 deaths from 2020's 8974 deaths (equating to 14.0 per 100,000 people) and up a staggering 27.4% from 2019, with 2076 more deaths than the 7565 in 2019 (11.8 per 100,000 people).
"Alcohol-specific deaths have risen sharply since the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic," said James Tucker, who does data and analysis for Social Care and Health Division, Office for National Statistics. "This rise is likely to be the result of increased alcohol consumption during the pandemic."
British Liver Trust Chief Executive, Pamela Healy OBE, commented: "Since the start of 2020, there has been a big shift in the UK's drinking culture with millions of us drinking more regularly and at home – pouring much larger measures than if drinking when out."
If you can stomach a few more facts, please see here