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Solar Panels at a Discount

by Haddenham Webteam – 23rd January 2021
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Zero Carbon Haddenham has teamed up with an installer of PV solar panels in the hope of identifying a group of Haddenham residents who are keen to have solar power for their homes. Once a minimum group size has been extablished, the installation work can be carried out at a significant discount compared with one-off installations.

The scheme is called Solar Streets.

Solar panels charge electricity on bright days (not just when there's direct sunlight) and this benefits householders in two primary ways:

1. They receive direct payments from their energy supplier for helping to contribute to the total power available via the national grid

2. They can utilise the power they generate in real time during the daytime to operate their electrical items (washing machines, tumble driers, dishwashers, kettles, etc, etc) without drawing from the grid – thereby reducing their own energy costs as well as helping to reduce the national electrical generation at source and hence reducing the burning of fossil fuels.

There are also additional benefits if householders choose to have solar water heaters and batteries installed to accompany their PV panels

Solar panels are designed to work well for at least 20 years and the financial outlay is likely to be recouped within a period of about 10-12 years

A Zoom meeting was held last Thursday evening, 21st January, during which the project leaders gave a slide show presentation and answered questions posed by attendees.

A recording of that meeting is available to view on Youtube: see here

If you would like further information, please see the Solar Streets website

or Email Andy at: info@solarstreets.co.uk

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