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Still Time to Comment

by Haddenham Webteam – 25th August 2017
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Did you mean to offer comments to AVDC in respect of plans to build 285 new homes on land west of Churchway, north of Rosemary Lane, but missed the deadline?

Due to a failure of AVDC to apply adequate signage in the area notifying local residents of the planning application, the deadline was extended. Residents now have until next Tuesday, 29th August to offer their comments.

If you wish to see the concerns rasied by fellow residents, see here.

More detailed concerns of another Haddenham resident are offered below.

The rejection by AVDC of the 72 dwellings on the east side of Churchway has set a precedence against the development on the west side but, given the spate of landscape related documents submitted as recently as 21st Aug 2017 in favour of the development, Haddenham residents also have to be mindful of housing density issues in case AVDC are persuaded to give the go-ahead by more powerful & financially able forces.

The document submitted on 21st Aug 2017 by 'Mr Joe Houston' of AVDC Heritage & Parks Team draws attention to Outdoor Play Space (OPS) and Local Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) on-site as being unacceptable:

"The proposed site plan is currently unacceptable as it fails to provide the minimum amount of accessible OPS suitable for informal sport and recreation, which based on the submitted outline bedrooms per dwelling mix would equate to 16,475Sqm (1.65hectares). SUDS* and narrow green (buffer) strips of open space (amenity areas) are not accessible to all or suitable for informal sport or recreation and therefore do not count towards the above minimum OPS requirement."

"The area put aside for the LEAP is also not acceptable as it fails to meet Fields in Trust minimum dimensions (20m x 20m) and therefore needs to be revised so that it it does."

This appears to mean that, theoretically, the number of dwellings could go down if developers have to provide more Outdoor Play Space. They could also reduce the size of the larger units and plan more smaller ones. However given that in the document from Miss Vikki Teasdale, the Strategic Flood Management Team at Buckinghamshire County Council objected to the proposed development because they were concerned that the scheme proposed in the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) was unfeasible, so it would make sense for AVDC to reduce the number of dwellings per hectare (dph). This would also fall into line with the 175 units proposed in the Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) v2 and also help mitigate the traffic impact on the area to a limited extent.

Paragraph 73 of the National Planning Policy Framework states "Access to high quality open spaces and opportunities for sport and recreation can make an important contribution to the health and well-being of communities." There is no usable open space in the immediate area.

Last day for commenting on this application 17/02280/AOP is Tuesday 29th August 2017.

To do so, enter the application code 17/02280/AOP into the search window here: https://publicaccess.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk

* SuDS (Sustainable Drainage System)

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