Are you keen to contribute ideas and opinions about the design of Haddenham, especially in terms of how we are able get around the village?
The Streetscape Project of Haddenham Parish Council is now under way and this will look at the entire ambience of the village with particular reference to traffic, provision for walkers, cyclists, children and people of all ages and abilities.
The first stage of the project is seeking the views of residents and it is very important that as many residents as possible are able to contribute, so that the research can represent the widest possible set of residents' views.
The current Bucks-wide consultation closes on 6th December, although it is hoped that it will continue after that date for comments specific to Haddenham.
Details of the project, and of how to make your comments, are available here.
The website for comments requires you to attach your comments to particular points in the village, shown on a map, but it is important to note that you can use the website to make general points applying to larger areas or to the whole village, such as the need for a 20 mph speed limit, wider pavements, road closures etc.
The Village Society is also seeking to contribute to the project generally and it would be very helpful to the HVS Committee of HVS if residents might be wilkling to copy their comments to the Chair of the Society at: