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Suggested Road Names

by Haddenham Webteam – 21st June 2018
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As regular visitors to the Haddenham.net Facebook page will be aware, the parish council recently invited local residents to suggest road names for the new Dandara (Glebe/Aston Road) development .

Suggestions came thick and fast, and included names based on such local links as:

  • Former Vicars
  • Church Seasons
  • Peasant family names from 1820 map of village
  • Original Residents of Willis Rd
  • Local Wildlife & Tiggywinkles
  • Local Flora
  • WW1 Village Heroes
  • Local Noteworthies – conservationists, doctors, scoutmasters, woodcarvers, etc
  • Recognition of the Saxon Burial Site
  • Various Tongue-in-cheek Suggestions

As we understand it, members of the parish council will each vote on their preferred names, and a shortlist will then be presented to the relevant District or County Council authorities for final approval.

A full list of the suggested names can be seen on the PDF located below the images on this page.

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