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Summer Art Crawl

by Haddenham Webteam – 20th June 2019
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Bucks Art Weeks is in full swing and this Friday (21st June) all the Haddenham venues are opening their doors in the evening between 5pm and 9pm (specific timings in the Haddenham art trail leaflet) for a special art crawl.

The idea being that visitors wander up through the village, visiting all the art that Haddenham has to offer in a social way for the evening. It will also help people who cannot visit during the day.

All the details are in the Haddenham Art Trail maps (available from Tickety Brew, the garden centre, library, Norsk and Bradmoor – or download from this page: see PDF below poster).

There are also details on how you can win £50 to spend with a Haddenham Bucks Art Weeks Artist of your choice. If visitors (on the Friday night only) visit a venue they can get a stamp, if they collect all 7 stamps they will be entered in to the prize draw.

Liz Dee, Clare Frost, Naomi Foreman-Peck and Bill Rolls will be offering Pimms and nibbles at our venue at 151 Churchway so they're a good spot to finish!

If you're free, they'd love you to join them for a glass or two!

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