Latest news from the Summerfest Team
It was wonderful to be able to host two beer festivals in 2022 after a 2-year break, and with two great new locations.
You'll be pleased to hear that, across Summerfest and Winterfest, we raised just over £42,000 and will be able to make much-needed donations to many local charities and groups.
(If you know of a local organisation that might benefit from a grant please direct them to our website).
A huge thank you to our volunteers – we couldn't have achieved this without their amazing support.
As we keep growing as a festival, the organisation grows too and if you'd like to be more involved in the planning please let Dianne Brackly know. We'd love more people/skills to join the team. Also if you know anyone who would like to volunteer on the day please ask them to contact Dianne. Her email is:
Summerfest this year will be held on Saturday 1st July.
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