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Support for the Elderly

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th March 2014
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If you have elderly relatives or friends who may need extra support, you may be interested to learn of a new service which is national and free. (NB: This is in addition to Age UK Bucks and the services that they can provide, including local information: Tel 01296 431911). However, additional national level services for the elderly are always welcome.

Independent Age, the older people's charity which tackles older people's poverty and loneliness through the 'ABC' of Advice, Befriending and Campaigning, has launched a new freephone number for its advice service.

The new freephone advice number is 0800 319 6789.

Offers free and confidential advice on issues such as social care, welfare benefits, befriending services and other social support.

It is available Monday to Friday 10am-4pm or email advice@independentage.org

In addition you may like to consider joining a telephone book club. TalkTime phone clubs gives you the chance to discuss books, films and more over the telephone in the comfort of your own home. Every four to six weeks a group of about six people meet up over the phone at an arranged time – Independent Age call you, so there is no cost involved.

If you join a book group a reading list will be sent out to you. The group will choose a book which they would like to read and discuss in their next call.

If books are not your thing you can join one of their discussion groups. Groups discuss all sorts, from the royal family to recent day trips, hobbies, cooking or even what's been on TV.

To join a group, please call Harjinder Jhaj on 020 7605 4267.

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