Roderick Floud, Chair of the Haddenham Village Society, recently wrote to organisations and individuals in Haddenham inviting their financial support for the community website. Here he provides a follow-up statement.
I'm delighted to announce that my request to Haddenham residents and members of the Haddenham Village Society to contribute to the future costs of has produced the splendid total of £1,505, together with a number of promises to make payments in future years. We are particularly grateful for those who have kindly offered this continuing annual support.
If you intended to make a contribution, but have overlooked the practicalities, we would still welcome further contributions: cheques payable to Haddenham Village Society at 15 Flint Street, Haddenham HP17 8AL; or online to Sort Code: 09-01-51 Account No: 80758306.
The very positive response to my invitation shows that the village greatly values the community website and the work which Keith Milmer undertakes for it. The funds will be disbursed by the Treasurer of the Haddenham Village Society, Bill Burns, against invoices for expenses undertaken by Keith for the website.
I should repeat that the Society is merely facilitating this expenditure as part of its general purpose to support and enhance Haddenham and its community; the Society has not sought and will not receive any influence over the editorial policy of the website, which is the responsibility of Keith alone.
On behalf of the Society and, more generally, the residents of Haddenham, I am most grateful for the support which has been given.
Editor's Comment
I would like to offer my personal thanks and appreciation to Haddenham Village Society for taking this initiative, and to all those organisations and individuals for their gesture of support. I am extremely grateful.
In response, I will be taking all practical steps to minimise the cost of maintaining the community website going forward, to ensure that your generous donations are used to best effect.
It is a privilege to serve the community through the provision of and I have been bowled over by the positive comments that have been made.
As ever, please continue to send me your news and announcements of village events, so we can ensure that the community website serves the widest possible range of interests and activities. Many thanks.