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Supporting Homeless People

by Haddenham Webteam – 14th October 2013
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olive kuhrt 02jon kuhrttom kuhrt

On Friday 18th October, while you are all cosily tucked up in bed, Olive Kuhrt, a resident of Haddenham will be 'sleeping' on the steps of St Marylebone Parish Church (opposite Madam Tussaud's) to raise awareness and as much money as she can for the West London Day Centre. Based in Marylebone, the West London Day Centre provides support for around 100 homeless people every day; meeting their immediate needs for food, clothing and showering as well as providing health services and support with finding accommodation and employment.

Olive's son Jon has worked for the West London Mission for several years and he and her grandson Tom (aged 8) are joining the sIeep-out. Olive wants to support the Day Centre in a practical way because she believes they are doing a fantastic work. They rely on donations because their government funding has been withdrawn and so even if you can only give a small amount it will be gratefully received. This charity has a full time Chaplain who offers spiritual support too.

Olive has set up a Justgiving page here and if you would like to donate towards her target, she will be delighted and very grateful.

If you would prefer to send something by cheque please make it payable to West London Day Centre and send either to Olive or to Jenny Munday, West London Day Centre, 134-136 Seymour Place, London, W1H 1NT. If you choose that latter option, please mention that you are sponsoring Olive Kuhrt from 87, Churchway, Haddenham HP17 8DT.

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