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Tackling School Traffic Congestion

by Haddenham Webteam – 18th January 2017
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Road congestion near the schools at start and finish times in Haddenham is a well recognised problem, and serious concerns have been voiced over the degree to which this challenge will increase as the village grows significantly in the coming months. Those bright sparks at County hall seem to have woken up to this problem of late, given the news that an inquiry into the use of cars to get children to and from school is to be launched later this month by Buckinghamshire County Council.

Members of the Transport, Environment and Communities Select Committee say they want to explore alternative, healthier options for parents and carers to make the school journey.

Chairman David Carroll said that with planned housing growth across Buckinghamshire, school expansion and new school building could lead to worse congestion and parking around roads serving schools.

'We want to see if it's possible to reduce the number of car journeys to school,' said David. 'By exploring alternative, healthier modes of travel to school, we'll have the opportunity to see what good models schools are using across the county, and what good practice could be shared.

'It goes without saying that moving cars present a danger to our children, and where there is less congestion, the risks reduce. We're pretty sure enforcement at pinch points around school roads isn't being effective, so we want to look at other methods that do work.'

Early next month the Select Committee will hold two days of evidence gathering from head teachers, travel planning co-ordinators, Junior Road Safety Officers, police, fire service community safety officers, and national experts.

Members of the Select Committee want to see how a variety of sustainable travel initiatives already in place have changed travel-to-school habits, and whether these could be harnessed more widely.

A final inquiry report will be published at the end of March and recommendations made to the Cabinet of Bucks County Council in April.

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