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Thame Choral Society News

by Haddenham Webteam – 12th August 2015
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Christmas Concert
Rehearsals for Thame Choral Society's Christmas Concert begin on Wednesday 9th September. At this year's concert, which is on Saturday 12th December at St Mary's Church, Thame, the choir will be performing Parts 1 and 2 of Bach's ever popular Christmas Oratorio. The concert will also contain Christmas songs and carols, some for the audience to join in, and seasonal refreshments will be available.

Rehearsals are held at Haddenham Methodist Church in the High Street on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 pm until 9.30 pm and anyone with an interest in singing is welcome – auditions are not required!

If you would like to explore and sing the sparkling choruses and sublime chorales in the first two parts of Bach's Christmas Oratorio, come to the special workshop at Haddenham Methodist Church on Saturday, 19th September arranged by Thame Choral Society under the leadership of their resident Director, Helen Swift. Professional singer Helen has an inspirational approach to directing choirs and firmly believes that 'singing should be fun'.

The workshop, which runs from 10am until 4pm, costs £15, including refreshments, and copies of the score will be available to hire on the day for £2. For more information, email thamechoralsociety@hotmail.co.uk or telephone 01844 216801.

The Thame Choral Society website can be found here.

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