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Thame Road Parking Problems

by Haddenham Webteam – 7th February 2017
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yellow lines 07

In November, Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) held an opinion survey about the introduction of parking restrictions on roads near Haddenham & Thame Parkway. As we reported previously TfB concluded that they would recommend breaking the project into two phases.

Phase One addresses the urgent need to introduce parking restrictions on Thame Road, identified as a major safety issue.

As no residential properties front onto this stretch of Thame Road, further consultation is not needed, so an experimental traffic regulation order (TRO) can be made.

There have been some delays resulting from a TfB project in High Wycombe, which had to take priority. However, during January plans have been prepared by the Project Manager to introduce:

* a new clearway from Station Road to the entrance to the station;

* double yellow lines from the station to the Wykeham Way junction; and

* an extension from the Pegasus Way clearway up to the A418.

The TRO will be advertised in the local press in compliance with legal requirements. Formal notification letters will also be sent to local businesses on Thame Road. Although Haddenham Parish Council anticipates that the yellow lines will be painted within a few weeks, there are – as ever – pressures from competing projects that cause delays; however, Haddenham is considered high priority.

Phase Two entails preparing a detailed design to introduce parking restrictions on residential roads. This will be followed by a further round of consultation with those residents directly affected, then by an additional TRO. Phase Two will take place in the new financial year when Chiltern Railways have agreed to contribute towards the cost.

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