Earlier this year we invited Haddenham residents to nominate folk for the Community Champions Awards – an initiative sponsored by the Village Society, Haddenham.net and the Haddenham Garden Centre.
The aim was to highlight and celebrate the efforts of those individuals who go the extra mile for their community, selflessly giving up their time for the benefit of others.
The examples we offered to prompt nominations included those who run local clubs or activities for children, giving their time to support the elderly, organising charitable fund-raising events, providing voluntary help for local charities or non-profit making organisations, offering valuable friendship and personal support to vulnerable individuals or those with special needs, providing transport or collection and delivery services to those less able, or carrying out unpaid work for the Haddenham community in other ways.
In November, at a meeting hosted in the library by the Village Society, the nominations were announced and prizes presented to three particularly deserving individuals, as assessed by a panel of judges from the three sponsoring organisations.
As we announced previously, the highly deserving nominees were:
John Wheeler | Unpaid Village Maintenance Man |
Helen Lewis | Charity Fundraising |
Chris Headlong | Support Work for the Elderly |
Ken Perry | Voluntary work for the Museum & Abbeyfield |
Brenda Spencer | Support Work for the Elderly |
Richard Lay | Cub leadership and other work for youngsters |
Graham Oliver | Support Work for the Elderly |
Jeanne Watt | Running the Fish Scheme |
Freda Dorrell | Charity Fundraising & Theatre Trips |
Robyn Thorogood | Managing Snakemoor's Maintenance |
Mary Miller | Charity Fundraising |
Lynne Colley | Youth Theatre |
Rachel Bamford & Shelley Smith | Haddenham Playscheme |
Andy Roff | Youth Football |
The Whole Beer Festival Team! | Charity Fundraising & Raising Haddenham's Profile |
Choosing just three from this very impressive list was quite a challenge, but ultimately decisions were made.
The three winners were:
Brenda Spencer
Richard Lay
Helen Lewis
Unfortunately, Brenda Spencer was unable to be present on the evening of the Award presentations as she was away visiting her daughter. Therefore the opportunity was taken at the Haddenham & District Age Concern (HADAC) Christmas luncheon on Friday 30th December to present Brenda with her gift.
Stuart Monro, Chairman of Haddenham & District Age Concern, explained that even at 87 years of age Brenda has continued to support the HADAC luncheon club during the past year and has cooked those lunches for the last 12 years! Brenda has finally retired from that role, and this was an opportunity for her to have Christmas lunch cooked for her, for a change!
Brenda received a gift token and a 'tea for two' voucher from Haddenham Garden Centre. The presentation was made by Sir Roderick Floud, Chairman of Haddenham Village Society.