We have been notified by Thames Valley Police that some low-life individuals have been carrying out opportunist vehicle crime in Haddenham, Brill and Long Crendon on Monday night (12th to 13th May). Also, at around 1am on Tuesday (13th May) five theft from motor vehicle offences took place. Two offences took place in Giffard Way, Long Crendon, and the remaining thefts took place in Churchway, Townsend, and The Closes in Haddenham.
They are asking residents in the area to be vigilant fans to takers greater care over their vehicle security. The majority of the vehicles had been left unlocked.
Property stolen included sat navs, tools, ipods, wallets and cash.
You can view these b*****ds in action by viewing Brill cctv footage here.
PCSO Sue Jones said "I would urge residents to remove valuables from their vehicles and make sure they are locked when unattended.
"It only takes seconds for an opportunist criminal to try a car door handle and if the vehicle is unlocked it is easy for them to take small items from inside.
"Don't be tempted to 'hide' things in compartments in your car – thieves know all the places to look.
"I would also like people to remain vigilant and make sure they report any suspicious activity – at the time it is happening. If we get the information when the people are still in the area officers stand a better chance of catching them.
"Don't leave it to someone else to make the call – you could be the only witness."
Further advice and information about preventing vehicle crime can be found on the Thames Valley Police website.
If you have any information about any of these crimes please contact PCSO Jones via the 24 hour Police Enquiry Centre number 101.
If you don't want to speak to the Police or give your details you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111, or report it online at the Crimestoppers website. No personal details will be taken, information will not be traced or recorded and you will not have to go to court.