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Tribute to Brownie Leaders

by Louise Croft Baker – 11th July 2017
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On behalf of 4th Haddenham Brownies, I would like to say a massive thank you to Francesca Flaxton and Gemma Brown for the incredible work they have done running Brownies on a Wednesday evening for so many years.

We were all so sad to say goodbye to Brown Owl and Snowy Owl at the end of term.

Brown Owl joined 4th Haddenham Brownies 22 years ago and they have both played such an important part in the lives of so many girls over the years.

Brown Owl organised an amazing magician party for the girls to say goodbye, everyone had a fantastic evening and learnt lots of new tricks to perform on their friends and family.

We want to wish Francesca and Gemma all the best in their future adventures and hope that they will come back to visit the girls very soon.

Thank you so much for providing the girls with such an inspiring atmosphere for them to grow, develop their passions and talents and have fun.

We're delighted to say that a new team of parents will take over the unit from September, but we have big shoes to fill!

Louise Croft Baker

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