The 'Tyrefighters' Weight Loss Group was formed on the 12th April 2014 and now has 29 members.
David Lindsey, who leads the group, got the germ of an idea from a BBC2 lecture. Michael Mosely was talking about the level of food intake we ought to aim for at any meal and he held out his two cupped hands as being the maximum.
David decided to try it, using a carefully researched 9 inch plate instead, and in the course of 14 months he lost three stones. It worked!
He came to the conclusion that there are three basic reasons why people put on weight. The first is that they eat too much, the second is that they eat the wrong stuff and the last is that they don't take enough exercise.
So he designed a course of three lectures and then successfully approached the Haddenham Medical Centre for permission to hold meetings on the Saturday mornings, when the Centre was open anyway for patients.
Meetings at the Centre start at 9.00am sharp, with members having their blood pressure, pulse and weight taken and this is followed by a lecture on one of the topics.
Membership is entirely free and there is absolutely no obligation.
If you'd like to know more, please email David Lindsey: