Are you a member of U3A and enjoy taking photographs as a serious hobby? Then you may wish to participate in one or both practical photo outings being arranged by the Digital Photography Group of the Greater Thame U3A.
The first is to the Wheatley Birds of Prey Centre on Friday 21st July at 10.30am which will include a flying and static display. The visit will last approximately one-and-a-half hours. The cost £10 per person.
The second visit is to photograph Harvest Mice at the home of wildlife and photographic tutor Bob
Brindley-Surch in Northamptonshire. Maximum group size: 6 persons. The proposed date is Friday 4th August (TBC) starting at 10.00am. The cost is estimated at £25.00. Only two remaining spaces are available at the time of publication.
For further information please contact Peter Parrey by Email: