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Climate Collaboration Forum

by Haddenham Webteam – 15th June 2024
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The Parish Council is hosting a Climate Collaboration Forum and hopes to encourage as much participation as possible. The event will take place in the Airfield Pavilion on 27th June, starting at 7.30pm.

The format of the meeting will include presentations from local organisations on their current activities and suggestions on we, as a community, can work together. There will then be breakout groups to brainstorm around thesix main areas where HPC believes action is required and that achievable progress can be made.

Depending on numbers, attendees are invited to engage with all groups or may focus on a top three.

  • home energy
  • transport
  • food
  • nature-based solutions
  • consumption and the circular economy
  • communication and awareness raising

Each subgroup discussion will be brief and focused, with a facilitator to gather thoughts and ideas, which will be presented at the end. More detailed notes will be circulated afterwards, along with thoughts on how some of the ideas can be taken forward, to be discussed at a follow-up meeting in the autumn.

The organisers would like attendees to register their intention to come along – please scan the QR code on the poster for more information and to register. Alternatively, click here

Or copy and paste this URL into your browser:


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