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Vaccinations: An Appreciation

by Chris Young – 31st January 2021
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One grateful patient's experiences of the Covid vaccination programme

I received an email describing how vaccinations would be conducted for patients registered with the Haddenham Medical Centre. It said we would be contacted by phone and that the jabs would be carried out at Stoke Mandeville Stadium

However, I then received a second email stating that I might get a letter offering a jab at another centre and offering the advice take up the earliest appointment.

The next day I received a letter offering my wife Val and I a jab in High Wycombe and a telephone contact to confirm our acceptance. This I duly did and was offered an appointment the very next day.

The location was at Victoria Pharmacy, just off Oxford Road in High Wycombe.

We weren't sure where to park, so we arrived in good time at 16:20 for our 16:50 and 17:20 appointments We parked next door with the intention of finding a more permanent place but on approaching the pharmacy we were asked by a very pleasant man if we were there for an injection. He took us into the shop but, on checking the records, could not find Val's details. "Never mind, we will soon sort that out" he said and I was escorted into another room and was speedily vaccinated. Val, in the meantime, was also being vaccinated, after giving her details.

We were both out of the shop and in my car by 16:30 – all very efficient!

The volunteers staffing the site were exceptional. They were determined to ensure that we were vaccinated with the minimum of fuss and they achieved this with a degree of levity and purpose.

When I asked the man doing my injection if, as I am left-handed, I could have it in my right arm, he replied: "Sorry we don't do right arms on a Friday!" (Ha!).

Needless to say, I received my jab and left feeling much more relaxed, with an armful of English vaccine.

I have discussed this with friends and relatives and, without exception, there is nothing but praise for the other vaccination sites also, at Stoke Mandeville, Winslow and elswehere.

Full marks and many thanks!

Chris Young
Resident and Parish Councillor

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