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VALP Update

by Haddenham Webteam – 12th April 2017
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The Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) has been making its way through the required stages of drafting and public consultation over the last couple of years. Until this document is finalised by AVDC and approved by Government, towns and villages in the Vale are susceptible to opportunistic planning applications from developers who can exploit the lack of a strategic development plan.

Residents of Haddenham will be well aware of the impact this is having.

In February, AVDC decided to delay the submission of its latest draft of the VALP to enable an assessment to be made of the impact of the Government's Housing White Paper and, as a consequence, a series of public meetings arranged for March 2017 were postponed.

The programme has now been reviewed and arrangements have been made for a series of council meetings in July that will precede the next public consultation.

This will mean that the public consultation period for this stage of the VALP will commence later in July, although dates have yet to be confirmed.

Cynics might be quick to note that the final public consultation process is therefore likely to take place through the height of the summer vacation period when residents have other priorities – but your website editor couldn't possibly comment!

The following AVDC meetings will consider aspects of the VALP, and are open to members of the public to attend and observe if they so choose:

VALP Scrutiny Committee on Tuesday, 11th July, 2017.
This will be held at 6.30pm in the Olympic Room at The Gateway

Cabinet on Wednesday, 12 July, 2017.
The Cabinet meeting will start at 6.30pm and will be held in the Olympic Room at The Gateway

Council on Wednesday, 19 July, 2017.
This meeting will start at 6.30pm and will be held in The Oculus at The Gateway.

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