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'Vamoose' Burglaries

by Haddenham Webteam – 9th September 2013
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A 'vamoose' burglary is a name used by Thames Valley Police for a burglary that takes place specifically to steal the keys of a high-value or new vehicle.

'Vamoose' burglaries often happen when car keys are left close to an open building door or window. In some extreme cases, thieves have put a long stick or fishing rod through letterboxes to hook the car keys and make off with the vehicle.

Thames Valley Police would like to raise awareness of a recent increase in burglary dwelling offences, where vehicles have been stolen in the local area of Aylesbury Vale.

Seven offences in total have taken place in August 2013. All offences except one took place during the day.

Local residents are advised to take crime prevention measures to help protect themselves from becoming a victim of these 'vamoose' burglaries.

DC Tom Perry, from Aylesbury Vale Local CID, advises that if you are planning to go on holiday or will be leaving your property unoccupied for a period of time, leave your car keys with a trusted neighbour or relative and where possible block your vehicles on your driveways. Other tips are summarised below.

DC Tom Perry said: "The investigation into the offences is progressing well but it is important for local residents to remain extra vigilant. We value the input from the public to gather intelligence and this will help to further progress the police investigation into these offences".

Please consider the crime prevention advice below to make sure that you're not a victim of this type of crime:

  • Park your car in a well-lit area – either on your driveway, or on the roads under a street lamp, for example.
  • Make sure that your vehicle is properly dead-locked and that the alarm is fully activated.
  • Lock all windows and doors of your car.
  • Hide your car keys away from any windows and doors or take them up to bed with you.
  • Do not leave your car keys in full view of any windows or doors.
  • If you see anything suspicious or find evidence of an attempt to steal your car, call 101, the 24-hour Thames Valley Police non-emergency number. If the crime is in progress, call 999.

If you'd like advice on your home security, call 101. Ask for a member of your local Neighbourhood Policing team to visit you.

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