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VH Users' Group Meeting

by Haddenham Webteam – 22nd January 2019
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A meeting of the Haddenham VIllage Hall Users' Group will be held on Wednesday 30th January in the Lounge, commencing at 7:30pm.

This will be an informal meeting at which everyone is invited to have their say on anything relating to the Village Hall.

As most frequent users are kind enough to give feedback on any day-to-day issues as they occur, it is hoped that time taken to re-examine these points can be kept down to a minimum so participants can concentrate more on bigger ideas and aspirations.

Users of the village hall may be interested to know that quotes have been obtained for a new commercial standard main kitchen. Hearing loops are also being explored. The management committee is currently looking at ways to fund these.

In terms of longer term objectives, the management team has been in consultation with professionals looking at ways of enhancing the Hall, its facilities and governance, to be able to serve the village needs well into the future. There will be a short presentation on this at the meeting on 30th January and comments will be most welcome at, or any time after, the meeting.

If there is anything you would like added the meeting agenda, please let Peter Summerskill know.

We hope to see you there!

Pete Summerskill
on behalf of the Haddenham Village Hall Executive Committee

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