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Village Hall AGM

by Pete Summerskill – 17th May 2019
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Pete Summerskill, the Admin Manager for Haddenham Village Hall writes:

The village hall AGM takes place on Wednesday 22nd May, to which all village residents and other users and potential users of the hall are invited. The meeting will be held in the Walter Rose Room, commencing at 8.00pm.

Please invite anyone else you think may be interested in coming along as this is open to all, not just current hall users. The minutes from last year are available as a PDF on this webpage.

As was discussed at the recent User Group meeting in May, Trustees of the charity responsible for the village hall are proposing to convert to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. A new constitution has been drafted – a copy is also available as an PDF – but please bear in mind this is a draft and there may be some minor changes before it is finally adopted.

There will be an election of the committee at the AGM and you are welcome to propose yourself, or anyone else (with their permission) to be a member.

The committee is made up, in varying numbers, of user representatives, appointed organisation members, village and parish council representatives and it is important to fill all seats.

Please let me have the names of anyone willing to stand for election before the AGM.

Some exciting news! We now have a Facebook page

This will be constantly developed and kept up to date showing a lot more detail about the Hall than the Bucks Voice page is able to do, so please Like, Follow and Share to be kept informed about activities and developments affecting the Hall.

I hope to see as many of you as possible on Wednesday 22nd May.

Pete Summerskill

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