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Village Hall Refurbishment

by Haddenham Webteam – 1st December 2020
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Public consultation during the creation of Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan identified as a priority the redevelopment of the Banks Park site as a modernised village hub. After several years of planning by the Parish Council and the Village Hall Management Committee, the first phase of the project is now well underway.

Among other objectives, the redevelopment will provide a modern, fit-for-purpose meeting room available for local groups to hire as well as a much a larger Parish Council office to accommodate growing numbers of staff in a safer working environment, complete with a reception area for visitors.

The project is expected to cost £222,000, with the majority of funding coming from a £165,000 New Homes Bonus Project Grant from the former AVDC, and the remainder from S106 developer contributions and Banks Park Trust and Parish Council Reserves.

Work began in mid-September and has initially addressed urgent maintenance issues including the removal of asbestos and roof repairs.

The internal reconfiguration of the former day-care centre is also well underway and work on the electrics has begun.

The work to the day centre is due to be completed in Spring 2021

Other work currently being carried out inside the hall will see ancient boilers driving the foyer & kitchen heating and hot water being replaced. The new boilers are far more efficient than the old ones and will result in significant savings in running costs and lower CO2 emissions.

The heating in the Walter Rose Room is also being upgraded, with the old low level radiators being replaced by high level, fan assisted devices. Improvements to heating will also be made in the kitchen and toilets.

The Walter Rose room has also been totally redecorated and fitted with new, energy efficient LED lighting.

The only change visible from the outside of the village hall so far is the demolition of a section of the building nearest to Fitlife gym and the Library – see photo. This will be replaced by a large canopy and new entrance doors.

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