Another in the series of regular litter picks, organised by Haddenham Parish Council, took place on Saturday 10th October.
Many 'familiar faces' turned up to do their bit for the village, helping to clear from verges, footpaths and below hedgerows the discarded debris that had been deposited by some of our less socially responsible residents and visitors.
As well as the loyal team of regulars, an encouraging number of new contributors also turned up to don their hi-viz tabards and claim a mechanical 'grabber' before setting off down their allotted areas of the village.
Organisers John Wheeler and Chris Young, on behalf of the parish council, offered their sincere thanks to everyone who assisted.
Pictured are some of the day's helpers – the community of Haddenham benefits significantly from such individuals, who give up their personal time to make a positive difference to our village. We thank you.