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Village Society AGM

by Haddenham Webteam – 6th December 2013
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Haddenham Village Society held its AGM in the Community Library on Thursday 5th December, and a loyal group of members attended to hear a summary of the Society's activities and achievements over the last 12 months, and the committee's plans for next year.

Chairman John Brandis thanked key individuals for their specific contributions, and particularly for their help in organising and catering for a number of recent fundraising events. For her very generous personal contribution to the catering, Henritte Webb was presented with a floral bouquet, and the Witchert Chorale was highlighted and thanked for presenting a delightful concert in November, which was an excellent example of the collaboration between the Village Society and other local organisations.

Key contributors described the various initiatives and activities that had been supported by the Village Society, including Steve Sharp who spoke about the Community Library, Jim Robinson who reported on progress with stiles and signage for the 'Wychert Way' fieldpath route, and Sir Roderick Floud who provided an update on the Neighbourhood Plan, a strategically vital instrument that will help to define the desired development of Haddenham, and in which the Society had played (and will continue to play) an important part.

Tom Bucknell, a long-standing and popular member of the Village Society stood down as the Society's President, and was warmly thanked for his generous support over the years.

John Brandis was re-elected as Chairman for a further year, Sir Roderick Floud as Vice Chairman and Brian Cole as secretary. Brian Bowman becomes the Society's new President. Most of the current executive committee members were happy to continue in their roles, and were elected en bloc.

The meeting was offered a draft Constitution for the Society, carefully honed by the Ralph Newell to replace the rather outdated document that had been in existence for many years. However, during the meeting some concern was voiced that such an important document should be considered more carefully and more widely before being submitted to the Charity Commissioners. It was agreed that wider consultation would be conducted.

The meeting concluded with refreshments and an opportunity for members to socialise in the comfortable surroundings of the Community Library.

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