October is 'Walk to School' month.
It is likely that all three schools in Haddenham will be encouraging more leg powered locomotion for the daily commute to school, and we will update you as we hear more from each school.
Quick off the mark, Haddenham Community Junior School has announced that it is encouraging all children to walk to school every Wednesday in October. Parents of children from outside the village are invited to park well away from school to
allow their children to walk too.
All children who walk will receive a sticker (and those who scoot or cycle from the outskirts of the village will get one too!). The house that accumulate the most walking stickers by the end of October will be awarded the Golden Boot trophy!
A map showing parking areas to be avoided will be sent out to parents shortly along with further details about the WoW (Walk on Wednesdays) initiative.
If any parent with a child or children at HCJS would like to help with this and other School Travel Plan activities, please contact the school office.