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Walk to School Month

by HCJS – 1st October 2012
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October 2012 is International Walk to School Month when about 40 countries promote walking to school. (For more information, click here and also here).

To support this, Haddenham Community Junior School is holding a Walk on Wednesdays (WoW) competition throughout the month of October.

All children who walk at least part of the way to school each Wednesday in October will receive a sticker from their class rep and the class with the highest proportion of children receiving stickers will get 10 minutes extra playtime that week.

Children can receive a sticker as long as they have walked from outside the school 'Exclusion Zone', for example from the Village Hall or shops' car parks or across the playing fields from Willis or Roberts Roads. (You can download the Exclusion Zone Leaflet from the link shown just below the images on this page).

Why walking to school is good for you:

  • Be on time! You always arrive at the same time, there are no traffic delays when you walk.
  • It's healthy - walking to school keeps you fit and healthy, and wakes you up for a day at school.
  • Walk 'n' talk - walk with your friends and family, and get talking on the way to school.
  • It's free - walking costs nothing, and you get to learn about your local area and wildlife on the way.
  • Strider will think very highly of you!

Why walking is good for the environment:

  • Safer and cleaner roads - less cars outside make a safer environment for everyone, and less noise
  • Conserve your environment - walking does not emit any fumes that are bad for everyone's health or cause global warming.
  • Walk on Wednesday - you don't have to walk everyday, but can you imagine how much better the environment would be if everyone committed to walking just once a week?
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