Founded in 1903, the Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is a charity and the UK's largest voluntary sector provider of adult education. In 2013/14 WEA delivered 9,700 part-time courses for over 70,000 students in England and Scotland with classes in almost every local authority area. For more information, please see the WEA website.
Bookings are still being taken for a couple of local day schools coming up shortly, organised by West Bucks Villages WEA. Both are at Haddenham Methodist Church, where there is a hearing loop, and you are asked to book at least two weeks in advance by calling 01865 768289.
The first one, on Friday 13th March (10am-4pm), is about Great Houses and the Great War with tutor Adam Smith.
The second one, on Friday 17th April, looks at The Romans in Bucks with tutor Jill Eyers.