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What Now for the NP?

by Haddenham Webteam – 5th February 2015
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planning permission 02

Despite the decision taken last week by AVDC's Strategic Development Management Committee to approve an outline planning application that was seriously inconsistent with Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan, the document continues (somewhat bizarrely) to progress through the formal channels. Here's an explanation of the next steps:

Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to AVDC on 27th January and the District Council has now put the Plan out for a six week Public Consultation period which ends on Tuesday 17th March.

In order for the Plan to be 'made', that is finalised and thus become a legal document, AVDC is now particularly looking to hear local residents' comments on it, and also to hear those of the various statutory and other bodies who again have a similar opportunity.

Your comments can be submitted by email to: planningpolicy@aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk or via traditional letter to: Planning Policy, AVDC, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.

After 17th March, AVDC will submit the Plan for Inspection. The Inspector will have access to the Plan and all comments made at any time up to that point, and decide whether he or she considers that the plan has been well prepared and very substantially supported by all the consultees' comments.

The Inspector will then decide whether modifications should be made by the Parish Council.

Once these have been dealt with and he/she is satisfied with the Plan, a local referendum will be conducted which will require a majority of those Haddenham electors who choose to vote to approve the Plan in order for it to become a Legal Document ... at last!

You can see the final version of the Plan, and the four supporting documents on the AVDC website by clicking here

If you have contact with Haddenham residents who do not use the internet, please let them know that paper copies of the Neighbourhood Plan can be seen during the usual opening hours at the Parish Office in Banks Park (8.30am to 12.30pm, Monday to Friday), in the Haddenham Community Library, and at the AVDC offices at The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF.

The extent to which all this will be affected by the Aston Road-Stanbridge Road planning decision is still to be clarified. In the meantime, Haddenham Parish Council, the Village Society, our MP, John Bercow, and various individual residents have written to Eric Pickles, the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, requesting that AVDC's outline planning approval for that site be 'called in'.

Letters from individuals are important. If you would like to write to Eric Pickles asking his office to 'call in' the Aston Road planning decision on the grounds that AVDC has totally ignored Haddenham's Neighbourhood Plan, here is his email address: eric.pickles@communities.gsi.gov.uk

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