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Winterfest Info for Residents

by Haddenham Webteam – 30th October 2022
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The Haddenham Beer Festivals Trust has recently written to local residents, updating them on the new arrangements for Winterfest this year. Here is the letter in full:

We are writing to you ahead of this year's Winterfest (10th December) which we plan to hold at Church End Green. We have had permission from the Parish Council and have worked with them to sort out road closures like those used by the fete.

As a charity that has been putting on ever growing events and raising money for the village since 2004, we are mindful of any potential disruption this may cause to those living in close proximity to the event site. We would like to give you a heads up to our plans, so you understand how we try to mitigate any disruption and organise ourselves.

Reason for moving
We outgrew the site at Bank's Park (plus the site had a large playground installed) and held the event at the Junior School in 2019, this wasn't an ideal site for many reasons so have been trying to find an alternative. We have chosen the village green as the church also hold their Christmas Tree festival on the same weekend and it seemed sensible to work together so that we create one special Christmas area in the village for that weekend.

Set up starts Monday 5th December. The event takes place Saturday 10th December (open 12-6pm) with set up and packing away either side of the opening times, music can sometimes play on slightly after 6pm (6.30pm max) to allow a more orderly departure of customers. Food stalls open 12-8pm. Clear down Sunday 11th (9am-3pm) and Monday 12th (8am+)

Set up/access
Our marquee company arrive to start setting up the marquees on the main part of the green on Monday. One of our team will fence off the main green while this work is taking place. We will also be putting a marquee on the grass outside the church gate, which will go up on Wednesday/Thursday.

We plan to have some protective matting down for any vehicles having to drive onto the green to avoid as much destruction to the grass as possible. Once the marquees are up, carpet will be put down which protects the ground underneath, it also contains any debris dropped, the carpet is then rolled up and removed from site.

Over the course of the week various other aspects will arrive and be placed on site where they are needed. All contractors will be told to park sensibly and will be managed at the time of delivery if need be.

The road closure will operate from 10am Saturday, so we can finish the set up. The food stalls will be located on the road section around the war memorial. We would ask that you please remove any cars from the road closure area by Friday evening, so we don't have to disturb anyone Saturday morning. The road closure goes to the back of the war memorial so residents can use Flint Street for access. The back access road beside the green (in front of the houses) will also be open for those accessing houses by the Rectory.

All relevant authorities have been informed of our plans. Buses will still be able to turn around but there is no vehicle access through the site. There will be security on the perimeter of the site throughout the day. Any larger vehicles requiring access that cannot use Flint Street will have to wait for us to make the roadway clear first.

We employ a professional security firm who we have worked with for many years. We will have security on site overnight towards the end of the week once kit starts arriving. On the day there will be numerous security guards dotted about the site.

Traffic and parking
Given the nature of our event we do not promote driving. In our experience, very few attendees drive, and we have never offered parking at any of our events. All ticket holders will be told to walk or use public transport (this event is typically attended by local residents so we would expect most to walk). There will be No Parking signs around the event site.

We hire in large waste containers from Bucks Council which they collect the Monday after the event. These are dotted about the site for customers and organisers to use as needed. We ask our volunteers to litter pick the morning after and we are very thorough, we pride ourselves on how clean we our sites are when we leave.

It is a gathering of 1,000-2,000 people, there will be residual noise from people chatting. We will also have music played over a PA system from a DJ and some musicians playing inside the marquees.

Drink Aware
We do sell alcohol and yes there will be people who have had a bit too much when they leave but typically, we have not had any problems and we encourage people to continue on their way once they have departed. Security is on site to deal with anyone deemed a nuisance.

Overall, this is a very friendly and family natured event and very much considered the 'local Christmas party'. We hope to raise funds to add to our pot of £35k raised in the summer which can be distributed through grants to the local community.

If you have any further questions, please use the contact form on our website at winterfest.org.uk

We do hope you will be joining us.

Best wishes
Kirsty Towersey

For and on Behalf of the Trustees
Registered charity no. 1136844

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