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Woodways Zebra Open!

by Haddenham Webteam – 11th July 2016
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Transport for Bucks has now completed the installation of the zebra crossing between the two schools on Woodways.

The whole exercise was carried out with considerable efforts made to maintain traffic and pedestrian movements through this very busy part of the village, and the contractors are to be congratulated for the way this was achieved for the vast majority of the project.

Lead campaigners for the crossing, Emma Lister and Angela Matthews, were delighted to see the zebra in place after a lengthy and sometimes frustrating campaign.

Said Angela: "This crossing will add considerably to the safety of children and parents as they make their way to the two schools, and will hopefully also force road traffic to slow down significantly through this part of the village – especially during the busiest times. Who knows, some drivers using the village as a 'rat run' might now choose to take the A418 around Haddenham instead, and so reduce overall traffic flows through the village. Let's hope so!"

We are indebted to Russ Naylor who captured dozens of photographs to document the installation work, just a few of which are featured here.

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