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Yellow Lines at Last!

by Haddenham Webteam – 19th April 2017
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yellow line plan  indicative draft 02yellow line painting 02

Vehicle parking by rail commuters on Thame Road, near Haddenham & Thame Parkway, has been a serious hazard for many months, as increasing numbers of cars have lined up from the bridge into the village – thereby reducing this major thoroughfare to just a single track road.

There have been numerous incidents of driver confrontations, as continuous streams of traffic travelling into the village from the Thame side falsely claim a 'right of way' and prevent those driving in the opposite direction (or seeking to exit Sheerstock onto Thame Road) from making any progress.

The picture this morning, Tuesday 19th April, looks much more promising, as traffic cones line the road along the problem area, proscribing roadside parking and restoring Thame Road to the simultaneous two-way traffic movements that it is intended to provide.

The parking restrictions are in preparation for yellow line marking, which will turn this part of Thame Road into a Clearway.

According to the Transport for Bucks schedule, yellow lines will be applied sometime this week (19-21 April), from the railway station bridge to the junction with Wykeham Way.

It is also anticipated that parking restrictions will be applied in the near future to some key junctions, potentially hazardous bends and difficult property access points in Sheerstock and Wykeham Way.

Please note, the map shown on this page is for illustration only.

The precise location of parking restrictions in Sheerstock and Wykeham Way are subject to change, as the project manager for TfB and its contractors make final decisions in situ.

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