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Yellow Lines Update

by Haddenham Webteam – 6th April 2017
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We have received the following update on the proposed Thame Road parking restrictions from the project manager at Transport for Bucks:

1. The Line marking proposals have been commissioned to start on site Wednesday 19th April, this is to allow Tuesday 18th April for cones to be installed on site to try to keep drivers from parking, to enable the lining to occur efficiently.

The Line marking should be completed within two days, weather permitting.

(Unfortunately we will not be able to get the TFB gang to set the cones out on bank holiday Easter Monday,
due to cost and availability of staff. On Tuesday 18th April we will be able to get the cones out in force. We can't cone off any earlier, because the cones may "disappear " and/or then be ignored by drivers.

2. The Signing works for the new clearway zone ; west of the station, and clearway extension on Pegasus Way up to the A418 roundabout.

I have requested for this work to start on Tuesday 18th April, and it will take 2 days. However, as this is the TfB self-delivery team, the gang could be instructed to work on emergency works should something happen elsewhere on the road network – although I hope this will not be the case!

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