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Young Photographer 2020

by Haddenham Webteam – 15th April 2020
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Taking photographs is a healthy and creative pastime, readily available in one's own home or garden or while out and about during a permitted exercise session.

So Haddenham and District Rotarians have decided to proceed with their annual Young Photographer Competition for 2020.

The total value of prizes is £400 – so not to be sneezed (or coughed) at!

Entries for the photographic competition will be in three age groups (as at 31 August 2020):

  • Juniors Age 7 to 10
  • Intermediate Age 11 to 14
  • Seniors Age 15 to 18

The theme is "SHADOWS"

Rotary organisers point out that "bright days in the garden will give you shadows of your pets, trees, plants and pots. The later in the day, the longer the shadow, while bright sunshine entering through windows offers great shadows indoors. In addition, there are all sorts of ways in which the 'Shadows' idea might be interpreted creatively and figuratively."

An entry form can be downloaded simply by clicking on the PDF featured on this webpage.

 Guidance on how to submit entries and about the Prize Giving, will be published nearer to the closing date, which is Friday 31st July 2020.

In the meantime, get those cameras and phones out and start taking photographs!

We remind all photographers to follow published and parental guidance about protecting themselves from Coronavirus and staying safe while seeking out that winning photograph.

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