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Young Photographer Competition 2019

by Haddenham Webteam – 14th June 2019
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Haddenham & District Rotary Club is hosting another of its impressive 'Young Photographer Competitions',

Run with support from Paul Wilkinson Photography.

The subject theme for 2019 is "CLIMATE" (for all age groups)

The competition offers a Prize Total of £400

Entries must be delivered by noon 28th August 2019 to:

  • Community Library (Haddenham)
  • Pretty Like Pictures (Thame) or
  • The Coffee Shop (Waddesdon)

See entry details and an application form by clicking on the PDF located beneath the poster image on this page.

The date and location of the prize giving ceremony will be notified in due course.


It is anticipated that the chosen subject of 'CLIMATE' will give young photographers plenty of scope for creative portrayal of this increasingly important – and perhaps contentious – topic

Go for it. Black and white or colour. Edited or straight off your camera. Give your creativity a shot in the arm and see what you can create. You may be a winner!

Download the entry form by clicking on the PDF featured on this page below the image.

Or for further information, contact:

Roger Williams Tel: 01844 238222
Email: rgrgwilliams@aol.com

Michael Gregory Tel: 01844 237327
Email: mikegregory.architect@virgin.net

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