Awards to winners of the Haddenham and District Rotary's annual 'Young Photographer Competition' were presented at a ceremony on Wednesday 16th October at St Mary's School, Haddenham.
The theme for this year's competition was "Reflections"
The total prize money available was £800
Local professional photographer Paul Wilkinson highlighted the prize winning images and provided helpful feedback in a highly engaging and amusing manner.
Haddenham Rotary President Humphrey presented the awards
Commenting on the continuing high standard of the entries and reflecting on the sheer joy that photography can bring, Paul gave generous encouragement to entrants and parents alike, a stimulating and insightful commentary on layout and format, and useful tips for improving techniques for future competition entries. His enthusiasm in encouraging youngsters to engage in photography was clear for all to see.
Haddenham Rotary extend their grateful thanks to Paul Wilkinson and St Mary's School.
Congratulations to the prize winners:
In the Junior category (6-10 yrs), awards were presented to:
1st Kian with 'Alone Time'
2nd – Megan with 'My Sister My Bone Marrow Donor'
3rd – Martha with 'Fabulous Fiery Skies'
HC – Gwyn with 'Camp Crafts'
C – Massimo with 'Sparkles'
C – Matilda with 'Flamingos Reflecting'
SpecialMention – Minna with 'My Mirror Image'
In the Intermediate category (11-14 yrs), awards were presented to:
1st – Amy with 'Barmouth Blossom'
2nd – Elsie with 'Reflections of Curiousity'
3rd – Eleanor with 'The Reflection Reveals'
HC – Ethan with 'Hopeful'
C – Beth with 'My Greatest Fear'
C – Millie with 'The Water Sky'
C – Phoebe with 'Sunlight Silhouette'
In the Senior category (15-18 yrs), awards were presented to:
1st – Riley with 'Waves of Thought'
2nd – Olivia with 'Reflecting On The Day'
3rd – Anton with 'Gab the Gecko'
HC – Esther with 'A Grassy Sky'
HC = Highly Commended
C = Commended
The full portfolio of prize-winning images is presented in the Galleries section of this website.
Click on any individual image to see an expanded view.