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Zebra Installation About to Start

by Haddenham Webteam – 9th June 2016
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Local residents will already know that Transport for Buckinghamshire has been commissioned to install a new zebra crossing between the two schools on Woodways. Funding has been secured by the Parish Council from Aylesbury Vale District Council's New Homes Bonus Fund.

The formal notification for the installation work reads as follows:

Construction Works for the zebra crossing, associated footways, and installation of speed cushions, are planned to start mid-week commencing, Wednesday 15th June 2016, with works scheduled for completion by early July.

To enable the works to be undertaken safely, Transport for Bucks would like to bring to your attention the following localised restrictions whilst works are underway :

  • The works site compound area is to be located within Parish's tennis court car park, west of the vehicular entrance zone. Please be aware of likely moving plant and machinery between the compound and Woodways itself, and also that possible HGV deliveries of materials may further restrict access on a temporary basis.
  • The recreation ground pedestrian path and access gate to Woodways – adjacent to Bambinos. This route to and from Woodways will need to be temporarily closed for approximately 2-3 days, for protection of the public, whilst the south-side footway works for zebra are undertaken.
  • The existing West-bound 280 Bus-stop will be relocated to Roberts Road, temporarily away from the existing shelter, to enable reconstruction of the south footway at the new zebra area, and for installation of the new bus shelter base.
  • There will be some localised footway (pavement) closures, to enable reconstruction works to take place, and pedestrians will be requested to cross to the opposite side of the road.

Every effort will be made to maintain access for pedestrians and residents, there may be some delay from the construction works, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

To enable the zebra project works to be executed safely and to minimise the impact on the flow of traffic movements, the work will be undertaken between 9:30am and 3:00pm, Monday to Friday, with 2-Way Traffic signals for most operations.

However, there is also likely to be a 1-day temporary road closure for motorised traffic, (9.30am to 3.00pm), to enable the zebra road marking works to take place. The signed diversion route will be via Stanbridge Road and Churchway. Information signs will be erected on site, in advance, confirming the closure date.

Transport for Buckinghamshire's Contractors will be: Irvine Grenson Ltd.

Should you have any concerns regarding the siteworks, please contact the works contractor immediately, or phone Transport for Buckinghamshire on 0845-230 2882 or 01296-382416.

Concerns Over Access for Summerfest

The Parish Council and Haddenham.net have been in communication with the project manager to raise concerns over the serious negative impact that the zebra crossing installation work would have on Summerfest 2016 if full and easy access to the junior school is not readily available in the week preceding the beer festival, and on the day of the event itself (Saturday 2nd July). We have received the following reassurance from the project manager, Adrian Lane:

"I confirm that access the junior school should also not be reduced by the zebra works (at least not by the 30th June), and as I suggested, the Woodways works should be hopefully completed by the 30th June, in essence, unless something unforeseen occurs."

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