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Zero Carbon Haddenham

by Haddenham Webteam – 20th September 2019
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You may remember that in July the Haddenham in Transition group organised an open meeting to discuss how the community could support the Haddenham Parish Council to deliver the village's goal from the Neighbourhood Plan for the parish to become carbon neutral by 2030. A couple of things have happened since then, so here's a quick update.

The group decided to re-name itself as Zero Carbon Haddenham (ZeroCH) which hopefully makes it much more obvious what it is about!

ZeroCH prepared a proposal for 'Releaf', a tree planting programme which aims to double the tree cover in the parish in the next 10 years. According to scientists, planting billions of trees across the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle the climate crisis. This is because wood is 50% carbon, so trees are a great carbon store, they take carbon out of the atmosphere.

Tree planting is not only a powerful climate change solution it is cheap, available now and everyone of us can get involved. The good news is that the Haddenham Parish Council agrees and Releaf will be the first project that we work on together. (You can read the proposal here)

If you would like to be involved in getting reLEAF up & running please contact releaf@zeroch.org

If you would like to join ZeroCH or find out more about reLEAF we will be at the Greener Living fair on Sunday 29th September from 1.30 – 4pm in the village hall

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