Zero Carbon Haddenham?
Walter Rose Room (Village Hall)
Friday, 8pm, 19th July
On Monday 24th June, Haddenham became the first community in Bucks to declare a climate emergency.
We need your energy and ideas to do something about it – especially to provide advice and support to the parish council (at their request) – but you may not be aware of what's already happening.
Did you know ...
1) Haddenham Parish Council's 2015 Neighbourhood Plan includes the objective to transition to zero carbon;
2) Haddenham was a Finalist in the 2011 National Climate Change Awards ("Best Community Initiative");
3) Since 2008, Haddenham villagers have been working on a series of climate-focused initiatives that are local, specific, and achievable.
But more needs to be done!
Interested? Join us at:
Zero Carbon Haddenham?
Walter Rose Room (Village Hall)
Friday, 8pm, 19th July
Michael Talbot, on behalf of Haddenham in Transition