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HPC Considers Rectory Plans

by Haddenham Webteam – 17th July 2019
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As reported previously, Haddenham-based Rectory Homes has submitted a further planning application to AVDC to extend its most recent development on Stanbridge Road (near the Garden Centre) to build a further 43 two and two-and-a-half storey flats and houses.

The new houses will extend the current village envelope towards Aylesbury by building on a plot behind the existing strip of homes lining the road from the Woodways/Lower Road junction along Stanbridge Road.

The plans were presented by representatives of Rectory Homes and discussed by councillors at the most recent meeting of Haddenham Parish Council, held on Monday 15th July. Based on comments received by your website editor from members of the public who were present at the meeting, we understand that the council agreed to express objections to AVDC in respect of this planning application.

Comments raised by councillors included the following:

  • Although there is a need for smaller housing units in Haddenham, this is the wrong location.
  • This site is not included in the (still to be ratified) Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan and can't be considered as "infilling".
  • Haddenham has had its fair share of new housing in a very short space of time – instead of spread out over several years, as was intended.
  • Access to the proposed Rectory site is near a very dangerous junction (the Stanbridge Road crossroads with Lower Road and Woodways) – Rectory Homes seemed not to be aware of the history of this junction and their consultant has told them the exit on Lower Road won't cause traffic problems. They haven't yet had a report from Bucks CC Highways.

HPC Chairman David Truesdale suggested that AVDC and Bucks County Council haven't recognised the cumulative effect of traffic management issues etc arising from such rapid growth in housing in so short a period.

Councillor Steve Sharp asked if Rectory Homes has an option on land to the East of the site under discussion (i.e., on the Aylesbury side) and the company's lead representative admitted that they do.

At the conclusion of the presentation, Chairman David Truesdale provided an opportunity for public attendees to raise questions but not make comments.

We are reliably informed that the parish council's formal response to this planning application will be published on the HPC website by the end of this week.

Meanwhile, members of the public are encouraged to submit their own personal comments to AVDC via the district council's planning portal.

To do so, simply click here, look for the 'Search for planning applications' option and enter this reference number in the 'Search' window: 19/02145/APP

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