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Local voices on radio

by Haddenham Webteam – 23rd June 2017
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simon guettier 01mark zeall

Red Kite Radio is an ultra-local radio station run by a team of volunteers and two part-time employees from a small studio at Haddenham Garden Centre. Broadcasting on 107.2FM, it aims to give Haddenham, Thame and local villages a polished radio station featuring music mainly from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, as well as voices from our local communities.

Key on-air voices are those of ex-professional presenters, with years of experience with the likes of Mix96 and the British Forces Broadcasting Service.

Its local 'Events' feed draws significantly from local community websites like Haddenham.net and Thame.net

However, there is also an opportunity for local organisations to add there own voices to the airwaves, to supplement the coverage they already receive on our community websites and Facebook feeds.

You don't have to be a budding 'Smashy' or 'Nicey'!

If you can string a few succinct sentences together to explain something about your organisation, and the date, time and location of an upcoming event, your voice can be broadcast on air.

The listening audience is currently quite small, but with more input from local organisations the Red Kite guys are hoping to see more folk tuning in over the coming weeks and months.

To record your piece on behalf of a local club, organisation or school, visit the Red Kite Radio and use the online recording facility.

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